BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, January 7, 2011

I didn't forget!

Hello!  Long time.......

I have not forgotten about my blog....but my 'to do' list has just been so long and things are starting to 'ache' .......I go to bed early.

Well, I am 31 1/2 weeks already! Crazy to think it just 5 1/2 weeks, I will be in the full term zone! There has been a lot of changes that have occured over the last month or two.

Body changes=  extremely sore lower back, more silly stretch marks only on my right side/lower abdomen, crazy nose bleeds, pelvic pain and the famous waddle walk ... I think that is about it :-)

Little handsome is getting a lot bigger day by day!  Funny how much your belly can bloom in matters of 1 week!

When we were in Wisconsin over x-mas ... I noticed a lot of stretching in my belly and a lot more growth. It must of been that WI cheese that did him in :-) hehe

I am also getting very anxious for the arrival, I have been very calm and chill over the last 30 some weeks....but for some reason, these last few days, I have had mini panic attacks!? Where are they coming from and what starts them?  Who knows....... but I quickly beginning to realize how fast this is going, which might set it off.

I craved Sweet and sour chicken yesterday and ate the whole thing!  It was so good.....defiantly hit the spot.  No crazy cravings throughout the whole pregnancy so far.....but I have enjoyed banana's and cream cheese a lot more! (no...not together! haha)

Sleep has been a pain in the butt......I have such lower back pain that it's hard to find comfort on the right or left side....not sure how to solve it and hope for a good nights rest every night.   Baby does not wake up in the middle of the night, or if he does, he does not wake me up. It's just all because of the back pain.

Doctor said he is head down!  hoping he stays that way.  His heartbeat was 150bpm at Jan 5th, 2011 appointment. :-)  He is a great little boy in there!  I cannot wait to meet him.

Weight gain.....Doctor said I am at 27 pounds....he says he predicts I will go up to about 33-35 before delivery.  The one thing with me is that... I don't care about the number becasue I feel great.  I feel I have not gain a lot in my arms/legs/butt....I feel I am all belly, so the weight does not bother me.  I eat healthy and drink tons of I know I am getting the right nutrition.

Here are a few 3d/4d ultrasound pics of him!    Till next time..... won't be this long again, promise!  

Till next time :-)

xoxo Erin