BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, January 7, 2011

I didn't forget!

Hello!  Long time.......

I have not forgotten about my blog....but my 'to do' list has just been so long and things are starting to 'ache' .......I go to bed early.

Well, I am 31 1/2 weeks already! Crazy to think it just 5 1/2 weeks, I will be in the full term zone! There has been a lot of changes that have occured over the last month or two.

Body changes=  extremely sore lower back, more silly stretch marks only on my right side/lower abdomen, crazy nose bleeds, pelvic pain and the famous waddle walk ... I think that is about it :-)

Little handsome is getting a lot bigger day by day!  Funny how much your belly can bloom in matters of 1 week!

When we were in Wisconsin over x-mas ... I noticed a lot of stretching in my belly and a lot more growth. It must of been that WI cheese that did him in :-) hehe

I am also getting very anxious for the arrival, I have been very calm and chill over the last 30 some weeks....but for some reason, these last few days, I have had mini panic attacks!? Where are they coming from and what starts them?  Who knows....... but I quickly beginning to realize how fast this is going, which might set it off.

I craved Sweet and sour chicken yesterday and ate the whole thing!  It was so good.....defiantly hit the spot.  No crazy cravings throughout the whole pregnancy so far.....but I have enjoyed banana's and cream cheese a lot more! (no...not together! haha)

Sleep has been a pain in the butt......I have such lower back pain that it's hard to find comfort on the right or left side....not sure how to solve it and hope for a good nights rest every night.   Baby does not wake up in the middle of the night, or if he does, he does not wake me up. It's just all because of the back pain.

Doctor said he is head down!  hoping he stays that way.  His heartbeat was 150bpm at Jan 5th, 2011 appointment. :-)  He is a great little boy in there!  I cannot wait to meet him.

Weight gain.....Doctor said I am at 27 pounds....he says he predicts I will go up to about 33-35 before delivery.  The one thing with me is that... I don't care about the number becasue I feel great.  I feel I have not gain a lot in my arms/legs/butt....I feel I am all belly, so the weight does not bother me.  I eat healthy and drink tons of I know I am getting the right nutrition.

Here are a few 3d/4d ultrasound pics of him!    Till next time..... won't be this long again, promise!  

Till next time :-)

xoxo Erin

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

All year needs to be a time of thinking about what you have, appreciating who is around you and what you have accomplished. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful to have a healthy growing handsome boy in my belly!!!  I could not ask for anything more :-)  Hard to believe next Thanksgiving he will be 8 months old!

John and I are heading to my Mom's for dinner!  John is currently making corn bread ... and I need to straighten my hair and figure out what the heck I am going to wear!  Lately, nothing really is maternity shopping is a must again :-)

Wishing everyone and my baby boy a healthy day and healthy year!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kicking and Rolling at 3am!

Dear handsome,

Mommy loves you and was anxiously waiting for you to kick/roll and move around like a acrobat.....thank you for letting me know you are in there! But, can we work on the time? 3:30am was way to early!'s okay though, your just prepping Mommy for what is to come!! So, bring it on because I need to get use to it!

Love you and keep moving!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blood type, good news and a little extra

So, yesterday I went to have my glucose test done at U of M, on top of doing that, I had to do all my prenatal blood work as I was eager to hear the results back from the nurse. Surprisenly, I was very nervous about getting the results back from the glucose tolerance test. I really did not want gestational diabetes....but I stay positive and whatever comes my way....comes my way.

I talked to the nurse today and she said everything looked great, my sugar blood level was 127 which she said was good. She also told me my blood type is O +  which I never knew!

However, she said my Iron was low and I need to get on a iron supplement, so I will start those tomorrow. I am happy though I do not have gestational diabetes.  :-)

Little handsome is beginning to show me he is moving in there! The other day, I felt something stronger then gas.....and has kicking for a few minutes! I could not believe it, even though it was not that long, I will always remember the first Kick he game me :-)

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and I am sure little handsome will enjoy the big feast!!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

24-25 week belly

Here is a picture of my belly at 24-25 weeks!  What a difference from 1 month ago! Little handsome is doing what he should....grow :-)  Also....of the crib!  I made the blankets and hope he likes them too!


Friday, November 12, 2010

Flutters and Tickling

Sorry for the delay of not writing for a while.....but I have been so busy and also finally I am back on board :-)

2 days ago (November 10th) I started to feel him in my belly, I have been waiting and waiting for him to tell me "he is in there" haha. But, it's more like a tickle about 3 inches above my belly button. I thought it was just indigestion at first but it kept happening in the same spot even after hours of eating.  He moves a lot I think after I eat though because those flutters/tickles really take over after I swallow my first bit of food at each meal. We have a kid with a big appetite on our hands I think :-)

Next week I have to drink that Glucose orange drink then head to the blood bank to check and see if I have Gestational Diabiets which I really hope I do not....but I will take whatever comes my way.

Other then that, I am still enjoying prenatal yoga, class has gotten a little smaller because of their close due dates, so sad to see them leave but for a happy reason. No cravings still.....will I ever have one?

Drinking water seems to be my only struggle. I carry a 70oz water bottle with me every day and remind myself the importance of drinking it all + some.  I have never been a big this is something I am getting use to.

I found a few stretch marks on my lower abdomen/side the other day ... I thought i was not going to get any due to the fact my Mom never had them and I was 23 weeks into this with nothing.....I do lather up all the time with Palmers Belly Cream.....but does that stuff really work? I think it's just a mind game....but you never know. I still do it anyway :-) Makes me feel better!

My Mom and I are discussing when we will have the baby shower which is something I am looking forward too. Exciting to be able to see my family who I never get to see ....and they can see my growing belly too.

November 27th my Mom is coming to Ann Arbor and we are going to begin my Registry, so a fun girl day indeed!  I'm thinking of Buy Buy Baby and Babies R Us?  Do I really need to register at 2 stores if they are basically the exact same?

John and I have come up with 2 names so far which we really like......we hope to come up with 1 more  so we have a few options when we see our handsome baby in just a little over 15 weeks!

More later!!!

Erin and Baby

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Got to see him in 3D!!

Hi Everyone!

Yesterday was our last U of M ultrasounds seeing our little handsome! She could not get a good profile picture of him so she wanted to turn on the 3d...and I said "sure!" He is still nestled down low and loves this one spot we always find him in....but with a little cheering and poking him...he did turn to show us his face!!! And, what a beautiful and handsome face he has!  I swear he looks like John.....with the sharp jaw line and wider face, I think he will look like his Daddy....but that is just me. I have more of a longer face ..but we will see because he still needs to get a lot chubbier :-)

I am doing great so far....a little back pain but nothing to complain about.  No cravings yet, so at this point I don't think I will have anyway..but you never know. I really want 1...just to say I had one and curious as to what it would be!  Oh well, time will tell.

I still do not feel him yet. They said because he is still hanging out lower and my placenta is nice and will be hard to feel any movement until he gets stronger, which they say give him another month. Docs say he is moving around in there...but I just cannot feel him yet.

Here are some pics of my 3d ultrasound below. Some find it easy to see....some find it let me know and I can always explain as to what your looking at :-)

No names yet either....but when we do have's hush hush till the big day arrives! So, you will just have to wait :-) hehe

Love you all!