BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Prenatal Yoga


Last night was my 1st time doing prenatal yoga and I really enjoyed it!  I think it's important for me to get stretching, learning how to calm my body and to set myself in a surrounding with other expecting mothers. I did not know what to expect...but came home meeting 7 new people, learned new positions to help me sleep and use during the day and just to relax.  It's every Wednesday night from 7-815pm, so I plan on going as long as I can and can afford.

I also have been making a list of questions I want to ask the doctor ... like:  Birth plan, classes at hospital to sign up for, pediatrician information, traveling while pregnant, ect.  Good thing for that pad of paper in my car, because that is when I do all my question thinking! :-)

Feeling pretty good lately. Today, I was a little stressed out and I can tell it affects the baby because my stomach is upset I plan on relaxing, practicing my yoga stretches and taking it easy.  Other than that, not much else to report....except my belly had a growth spurt this week.... I am just waiting to feel the baby for the 1st time (they say between 18-20 weeks....), so hopefully in the next week or so!

Just a people actually read my blog???

I enjoy keeping a blog because not only is it a chance to be able to reflect on day to day experiences but it's also very soothing. I just hope others find it helpful to keep track of my 9 month journey.

Okay, off to lay on the couch for a bit....

Erin & Baby

Sunday, September 19, 2010

4 months already!

Hi Everyone!

Another round of pictures (2 weeks from last)....not much has changed from belly...a little bigger...but I have noticed those darn stretch marks on my side! Oh well....nothing I can do but boy are they ugly :-)

I still have been feeling really great! So far in this pregnancy it has gone like clock work....and I am really lucky to have been feeling as great as I do.

The only event that has happened is a bloody nose when I woke up a week ago. John stopped it quickly....but that was a surprise to me. Have not had anymore since.

4 months have flown by! No cravings ..just making sure I get enough milk in eating well. Maybe I have had a little too much bread items.....oh well. :-)

Okay, next blog will be the sex announcement! (Let's hope!)

Enjoy the belly pics.....(minus those silly stretch marks!)


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tests Results in


Today I had my 4th doctors visit ( I am 15 weeks 4 days today)..... baby is doing good and growing!  The doctor showed me our 1st trimester screening results and it all came back negative which is great news!  Baby as 1/10,000 chances of Downs Syndrome and other genetic we are good! Whew :-)

I also went to the mall and bought my 1st pair of maternity jeans!! They fit great and I am so excited to have a pair of jeans I can fit into and that are cute/stylish too.

We are just really counting down the days here for the big ultrasound! 3 weeks......  anybody want to take dibs on if it's a boy or a girl??

Next will either day BOY or GIRL !!!! AHHH!!! :-)

Till next time.......

Monday, September 6, 2010

Baby Bump at 14 weeks along

It's been a few weeks since I have sent out anything because there was really nothing to post. Everything has been going great. These last few weeks...I have noticed my belly starting to grow :-)  So, tonight I thought would be good to start taking pics of Baby Mich's growth!

At 14 weeks I think I have a cute little bump.....but enough to make my jeans very snug or not fitting. So, maternity pants are going to be a must here in a few weeks.

Next doc appointment is next ultrasound...just checking in and measuring belly!

I am really looking forward to October 8th.. in which we hope to find out the sex!