BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tests Results in


Today I had my 4th doctors visit ( I am 15 weeks 4 days today)..... baby is doing good and growing!  The doctor showed me our 1st trimester screening results and it all came back negative which is great news!  Baby as 1/10,000 chances of Downs Syndrome and other genetic we are good! Whew :-)

I also went to the mall and bought my 1st pair of maternity jeans!! They fit great and I am so excited to have a pair of jeans I can fit into and that are cute/stylish too.

We are just really counting down the days here for the big ultrasound! 3 weeks......  anybody want to take dibs on if it's a boy or a girl??

Next will either day BOY or GIRL !!!! AHHH!!! :-)

Till next time.......


  1. What wonderful news! Now you can really enjoy the pregnancy! And aren't maternity jeans comfy?!?! I wish I could still get away with wearing those elastic waistbands : )

  2. Love that you have a blog and I will follow every entry. We can see you glowing from here in California!! Much love and tons of hugs.
