BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, September 19, 2010

4 months already!

Hi Everyone!

Another round of pictures (2 weeks from last)....not much has changed from belly...a little bigger...but I have noticed those darn stretch marks on my side! Oh well....nothing I can do but boy are they ugly :-)

I still have been feeling really great! So far in this pregnancy it has gone like clock work....and I am really lucky to have been feeling as great as I do.

The only event that has happened is a bloody nose when I woke up a week ago. John stopped it quickly....but that was a surprise to me. Have not had anymore since.

4 months have flown by! No cravings ..just making sure I get enough milk in eating well. Maybe I have had a little too much bread items.....oh well. :-)

Okay, next blog will be the sex announcement! (Let's hope!)

Enjoy the belly pics.....(minus those silly stretch marks!)



  1. Happy 4 Months!!! And you look fantastic!!!! So glad you are feeling so well : )

  2. Thanks Angie!!!! I finally feel like I am growing! But, not digging the stretch marks though...oh well, comes with the territory!
