BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Prenatal Yoga


Last night was my 1st time doing prenatal yoga and I really enjoyed it!  I think it's important for me to get stretching, learning how to calm my body and to set myself in a surrounding with other expecting mothers. I did not know what to expect...but came home meeting 7 new people, learned new positions to help me sleep and use during the day and just to relax.  It's every Wednesday night from 7-815pm, so I plan on going as long as I can and can afford.

I also have been making a list of questions I want to ask the doctor ... like:  Birth plan, classes at hospital to sign up for, pediatrician information, traveling while pregnant, ect.  Good thing for that pad of paper in my car, because that is when I do all my question thinking! :-)

Feeling pretty good lately. Today, I was a little stressed out and I can tell it affects the baby because my stomach is upset I plan on relaxing, practicing my yoga stretches and taking it easy.  Other than that, not much else to report....except my belly had a growth spurt this week.... I am just waiting to feel the baby for the 1st time (they say between 18-20 weeks....), so hopefully in the next week or so!

Just a people actually read my blog???

I enjoy keeping a blog because not only is it a chance to be able to reflect on day to day experiences but it's also very soothing. I just hope others find it helpful to keep track of my 9 month journey.

Okay, off to lay on the couch for a bit....

Erin & Baby


  1. Prental yoga sounds awesome...and that's great you met some other expectant moms...bonding time : ) Hoping you feel the baby soon...I felt her at 18 weeks for the 1st time as did my best friend...keeping my fingers crossed for you! Relax and take it easy this weekend : )

  2. I read it! Glad you are feeling good! (this is Emily Garcia,by the way)
