BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Small bump in the road

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday was somewhat of a long day.....

I noticed some vaginal discharged about 2 1/2 days ago and noticed it getting I called the nurse at U of M yesterday and gave her a very thorough explanation of what my symptoms are. She said since I said "watery discharge" that flagged some concerns.....the worst she said could be amnoitic fluid leaking...or could be a infection which then I could get on medicine.

So, I had to hang out at the Birthing Center Traige last night at the hospital. They did a full pelvic exam and checked him......she said he is doing cervix was hard and firm....and there was no amnoitic fluid....she took some samples and it ended up being BV (Bacterial vaginouses) sp??   So, I am on 20 day pills 2x day (Flagl)

I already feel better this morning "down there" which is great.

She also said I am very I need to up my water intake by a lot....which is wierd to me because I drink a lot of water anyway...she said need to drink more. So, that is what I will do :-)

Overall.....we are both doing great!  Just a little bump in the road...and I am glad I did not ignore it.....

Have a great day!



  1. oh no...soo sorry to hear that. good for you for getting it checked out! hope you are feeling better now : ) take care of yourself and your little baby boy!!!

  2. Just read this for the first time today. So glad that everything is fine. Drink that water, girl! Love you!
