BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, October 11, 2010

We are having a son !!

October 8th, 2010 we found out we were having a baby boy!!!  I am so excited to have a boy....I always wanted a boy first...even though I think people thought I wanted a girl. Nope, a boy is a dream come true!!

It was a great day, my Mom, twin brother Tony came to Ann Arbor to be there for the ultrasound with John and I.  It was great for them to see our little handsome and experience this with us.

The lady started by asking me if I wanted to know the sex and I said "Yes!! But I need some warning before you tell me because I am nervous" and she said "No problem" :-)  However, when she began the ultrasound....she put the jelly right over his genitals because I swore I saw his penis like 1 minute into the appointment!!! haha .  I did not say anything the appointment went on and she explained all the babies parts to us (but...gosh they are hard to make out....I mean... how can she make out the kidneys that look like a black shadow?). About 30 min into the appointment she said "Okay, I know what it is now" and I looked at her and said "I think I already know what it's a boy isn't it?"  and she said "YES!!"   I knew what I saw was correct :-) I mean, it really was not that hard.....his penis was easy to see (look at the pic below!)

However, little handsome was sleeping head down the whole entire time....there was a point where she made us walk around for 5-10 min to see if he would wake up. No such John and I have to go back on the 27th at 8am to get another ultrasound .... they need to get his Profile and heart .

I'm thinking I want them to put on the 3-d ultrasound....I just hope he is not sound asleep and nestled head down in his favorite spot!  Not to mention.....layiing head down on my bladder, good golly!  :-)

So, I will keep you updated on the 27th ultrasound and more pictures will follow.

Oh.....she said he is measuring 5 days earlier then I I am really 20 weeks tomorrow?  5 months already?? Wow!!  

Little handsome is 97% percentile for his weight and height.....weighing in at 11oz at the October 8th appointment. We got a chucker on our hands :-)  Must take after John's 9 pounds 12 oz! haha

Now, it's name choosing!  Why does it get me anxious? It's a big decision and it is very hard to pick boys names, but we might have a few up our sleeves.

I would like to keep the name a secret...but that might not last very long :-) haha

Till next time!

Erin and baby boy xoxo

1 comment:

  1. SOOOO excited for you!!!! I was thinking of you all day last Friday! Yay for little must be thrilled! How fun that you get to go for another ultrasound...those are the only dr. appointments I ever look forward to : ) The 3D is awesome if you get to do it!
