BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

4 more days ...I can hardly wait

Hi Everyone!!

Sorry it has been a while since I last updated...but not much has been really happening baby tummy is getting a little bigger, I finally am wearing my cute maternity jeans and I lay in bed every morning and every night holding my belly hoping I can feel little one move....but no such luck yet.  I am 18 weeks 2 days today....when do you start feeling those "flutters" I  keep reading and hearing about?

However, I am super excited about this Friday (Oct 8th at 3pm) we find out the babies gender!!!!! I am so excited that I can hardly think of anything else! Is that bad?  haha.  I am also really happy that my Mom and twin Tony are driving to Ann Arbor not only to celebrate my Mom's birthday last week....but to come to the ultrasound with John and I :-)  I cool is that!!!  I know my brother will not be in the room when I this is the next best thing :-)

The last time I saw baby was at 11 I am really interested in seeing the growth and length of the baby in just a short 7 1/2 weeks....but a lot as changed.

As for my body....not much is really happening. My belly is bulging out a little more, my headaches are going away, I can finally sleep for 8 hours without peeing that much in the middle of the night and no more nose bleeds! Yay!   However, when there is good.....there also comes changes.  My hips are starting to get very sore, is this normal? I think it is. I normally have pain in my left hip anyway when I lay flat.....but it's tranfored to my right hip.......but I am sure it's just my bodies was of saying "look out...I need room for baby" :-)  Which is fine with me!

I do need to go buy some maternity clothes though. I really like wearing those long maternity tank tops from Target....they are very comfy!

Okay, gotta get ready for work.......

Next post will be on Friday or Saturday.....saying GIRL or.... BOY !!!!!!!!!!!  OMG!!!!

Love you all,
Erin, John, Bella and baby Mich :-)  (what a great family indeed!)


  1. hip pains are normal!!!!! can't wait for friday!

  2. so excited for you! i see the little one is the size of a sweet won't be long before you're feeding him/her those! hopefully the anticipation isn't too agonizing for you! the day of my gender u/s the machine broke and i had to wait 3 more days...that was torture! enjoy the excitement!
