BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Oh we don't get along!

     So indigestion has been in full force! Only happens at night and at least it does not last for long....but man oh man....I have never had that feeling ever!  I find if I drink some milk or eat some settles.  If this is all I have.....then I'm doing pretty darn good :-)

    I can feel my belly get a little bigger...but nothing too much right now!  I am looking forward to when I "pop" as they say!

   Not much other then that.....just looking forward to our Oct 8th appointment which we will find out the sex and then start planning and start looking around at clothes! :-)

   Till next time....

Friday, August 20, 2010

Heard the heartbeat!!


Today, August 20th at 3:10pm, I had my First Trimester Screening at the Perinatal Assessment Center at U of M.  Before they could start the ultrasound, they wanted my bladder to be very full, so I had to gulp down 32 oz of water! Whew! I did it!   Ron (the perinatal nurse) called me in and explained the whole appointment. He checked for the amount of fluid in back of the babies neck... (which he said looked great) and then I had to head to the blood bank to give some blood samples....results should come back in 1 week they said!

But, the exciting part of the appointment was (besides knowing the fluid is right where it should be) seeing the baby and how much it has grown in just 9 short weeks!

I got to hear the babies heart beat!!!! Okay, I cried.....but come on! :-)  He/She has a heart beat of 152bpm! And, measured in at 51.2cm long....and 11 weeks 6 days old :-)

The next October 8th at 3pm to find out the sex!!!

Cannot believe I am almost 3 months in....sure has gone by fast....but I am loving every second of pregnancy so far :-)

Oh...and I think baby has John's nose :-)


Monday, August 16, 2010

Almost 2nd Trimester!

Where did the 10 1/2 weeks go?!  :-)  Baby is doing great so far this week....I am in my 11th week which means on Sunday I will begin my 2nd Trimester!  Baby is the size of a fig this week! Funny how websites do fruit/vegetable comparisons to babies size, but I guess it's a great visual for people :-) 

This week....I am experiencing some stomach upsetting (more like a really sour feeling/tight feeling) but it only happens at night time. But, it's all part of the process I guess :-) 

I've been drinking lots of water, eating salads topped with veggies and having steal cut oats for breakfast with cinnamon - so I'm watching my choices of food.... I actually have no desire to drink diet pop unusual for me because I would always love to have a diet coke for lunch. However, I do enjoy my gotta watch that! 

We also are in the process of moving apartments (right down the street) but's annoying. John is being so fantastic! He is doing all the lifting and my job is to load up the boxes....hold the door....and organize!  I do have the best hubby in the world!! And, soon to be best Dad too!! 

This Friday (20th), I will have my 1st Trimester Screening at Mott's Children's Hospital. We are lucky to have great insurance that covers 100% of this (it does run over $1,000). During this appointment, they will do a ultrasound to see the thickness of fluid in the babies neck...this checks for Downs Syndrome & some blood work done for any other genetic disorders. Let's hope for all Negative results....but we will have open arms to anything that comes our way. 

That is all for now!  Will post after Friday's tests. 


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1st Ultrasound!

Hi Everyone!!  Today was my 1st ultrasound at U of M. Everything went fantastic (as from the picture above!)  John and I got to see our little joy and had pictures printed! How amazing can this be?  I feel very lucky to have had a smooth pregnancy so far.... and a healthy baby at 10 weeks.  During the ultrasound you could see the beating heart and blood rushing through his/her body!  We got to meet the nurse practictioner (Barbara Getty) who was just so sweet and made me feel completely comfortable. We also met with the nurse (Karen), who gave us a book and lots of information for us to go through. She was great about answering our questions....and had lots of information to share with us.  

John and I did end our visit with a romantic dinner at the U of M cafeteria for dinner :-) hehe. Must be our thing now....but this is twice now!  I got veggie nachos and John ordered veggie soup with a roll! Yum! 

It is so fun getting to share my new experience today with family and friends by phone and email! The conversations I have had with people are ones I will never forget....thanks for being so supportive and interested in babies growth.  

Love you all. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First 9 weeks

Welcome to our baby blog!  

I am happy to report that my first 9 weeks of pregnancy has been pretty smooth!  Little one has decided not to give me any morning sickness :-)  I do have to wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom....but I'll take that over getting sick to my stomach! Some other changes I am experiencing are feeling bloated and my breast feeling swollen....but overall not bad so far! 

We have all our appointments at U of M, which we are very fortunate to have such great care for our little one. Tomorrow (August 11th,2010) I have my ultrasound appointment at U of M, I will be 9 weeks 5 days. We are looking forward to the appointment but hoping our little one is healthy and has a strong beating heart. 

I find myself at peace with everything and feel very calm. I have this overwhelming feeling of patience and just enjoying this whole experience because it is truly remarkable!  

As I like to say.... "A great joy is coming"