BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First 9 weeks

Welcome to our baby blog!  

I am happy to report that my first 9 weeks of pregnancy has been pretty smooth!  Little one has decided not to give me any morning sickness :-)  I do have to wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom....but I'll take that over getting sick to my stomach! Some other changes I am experiencing are feeling bloated and my breast feeling swollen....but overall not bad so far! 

We have all our appointments at U of M, which we are very fortunate to have such great care for our little one. Tomorrow (August 11th,2010) I have my ultrasound appointment at U of M, I will be 9 weeks 5 days. We are looking forward to the appointment but hoping our little one is healthy and has a strong beating heart. 

I find myself at peace with everything and feel very calm. I have this overwhelming feeling of patience and just enjoying this whole experience because it is truly remarkable!  

As I like to say.... "A great joy is coming"  

1 comment:

  1. The news is wonderful, the blog is wonderful and you and John will make wonderful parents. Seeing as you both have family all over the country, this is a great way to keep everyone informed of this, amazing, event. Just think, in front of Matt, Tony, Frank, Chuck and Alex's names we will be adding "Uncle", how cool is that !!
    Love to you both.
    From, soon to be, Grandma Lynn
