BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

1st Ultrasound!

Hi Everyone!!  Today was my 1st ultrasound at U of M. Everything went fantastic (as from the picture above!)  John and I got to see our little joy and had pictures printed! How amazing can this be?  I feel very lucky to have had a smooth pregnancy so far.... and a healthy baby at 10 weeks.  During the ultrasound you could see the beating heart and blood rushing through his/her body!  We got to meet the nurse practictioner (Barbara Getty) who was just so sweet and made me feel completely comfortable. We also met with the nurse (Karen), who gave us a book and lots of information for us to go through. She was great about answering our questions....and had lots of information to share with us.  

John and I did end our visit with a romantic dinner at the U of M cafeteria for dinner :-) hehe. Must be our thing now....but this is twice now!  I got veggie nachos and John ordered veggie soup with a roll! Yum! 

It is so fun getting to share my new experience today with family and friends by phone and email! The conversations I have had with people are ones I will never forget....thanks for being so supportive and interested in babies growth.  

Love you all. 


  1. Dave and I had a tradition- at every new trimester, we would go to Cold Stone! It was a delicious treat!
    What kind of doctor do you have? OB or Midwife? 1 doctor or a rotation of them? Do you like her/him/them?
    I'm so happy for the two of you! You will be fantastic parents!
    -Kerri (sorry my blogger account is through school!)

  2. Hi Kerri!!!

    What a fun tradition and something to look forward to!

    We have a rotation team of 6 OB's at U of depends who is there, on call and is available! I have met 2 of them looking forward to meeting the other 4 during my many appointments to come!

    The 2 OB's I have met have been wonderful ....instant comfort!

    Talk to you soon!!
